Our Office of Compliance sets and upholds the highest standards for our entire enterprise and all business partners. This team oversees matters ranging from data security to the quality of healthcare service delivery. This office also enforces the company’s Code of Business conduct.

The data security landscape is constantly changing, with new threats and risks emerging continually. We work with clients to develop controls and take appropriate measures to reduce these risks. Our vendor partners IBM and McAfee provide us with ongoing detection and prevention services regarding network intrusion and data-loss protection.

Our compliance team is continually monitoring to ensure company standards, regulations, board decisions, laws and other policies are followed precisely. All company employees participate in educational and training programs to ensure every person is knowledgeable of and in compliance with pertinent standards. Always looking for opportunities for improvement, the compliance team makes regular recommendations for how to better execute these standards in daily operations. 

Carewise Health is the first healthcare vendor to adopt a “Bi-Lateral Diligence” security assessment protocol. For new and existing customers, Carewise Health joins with the customer and their technical security assessment teams to perform simultaneous security assessments of one another. This process materially enhances the security controls of both parties.

Security assessments are performed routinely for all customers,  and our specialized team works directly with every customers specialist to ensure complete security coverage.